

未来を守る ~安心で体に優しい粘膜ワクチン~
Protecting the Future - Safe and Friendly Mucosal Vaccines -

千葉大学 未来粘膜ワクチン研究開発シナジー拠点
Chiba University, Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development

場所:テレコムセンタービル 3階 ブース




The members of cSIMVa are conducting research and development of mucosal vaccines (intranasal and oral vaccines) with the aim of developing needle-free, painless, safe and secure vaccinations. In addition to the effect of preventing severe illness by injectable inoculations, mucosal vaccines are expected to prevent infection caused by pathogens through the activation of mucosal immunity. We have prepared 1) Poster Exhibition: you can learn about the mucosal immunity and mucosal vaccines, 2) Experience corner: you can observe and experience the spraying operation of a human nasal cavity model using nasal device, and 3) Co-creation corner: please give us your creative “new vaccine ideas”. Let's think about the future of vaccines together!

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