We will answer questions such as "How do medical images use radiation to create images?", "How do you find illnesses inside the body from 2D images?", and "Why do you take X-rays from various angles?" from the fields of medical imaging engineering and medical imaging informatics. Using the radiation teaching material phantom we developed for educational purposes, let's learn about the mechanism of medical radiation and how to analyze the original 3D structure from 2D images. Why do we take images from various angles when you are injured? Let's think together about how to take images to reduce medical exposure.
駒澤大学 医療健康科学部 診療放射線技術科学科 教授
JSPS科研費 JP21K12162:基盤研究(C)(2021年度~2024年度)「診療放射線技師教育における課題解決型の教育コンテンツと教育用ファントムの開発」の助成を受けて研究・開発した教材を用いて医療放射線画像の解析方法を紹介する。