LMAiR is a creative unit that presents art exhibitions using luminous materials. In this edition of ‘Experience a lifetime of light! will feature a mini-lesson on luminescent materials from active graduate students and an art exhibition. In the mini-lesson, visitors can learn about practical examples of luminescent materials, the mechanism of luminescence, and material issues in a quiz format. Afterward, visitors will see the glowing flower artwork we have created and experience luminescent materials as art. Please feel free to visit this event where you can learn about chemistry and experience the appeal of luminescent materials from an artistic perspective.
LMAiR共同代表。1998 年茨城県生まれ。東北大学大学院工学研究科卒(修士)。現在は、総合電機メーカーで勤務する傍ら、素材のように親しみやすいデバイスをテーマに作品制作を行なっている。