科学技術・イノベーションを活用した社会課題解決に挑む取り組みを表彰する「STI for SDGs」アワード。今年の受賞取り組みをサイエンスアゴラの会場で表彰します!6回目となった今回は、どんな取り組みが選ばれたでしょうか。ぜひ皆さんの目でお確かめください。
Recognizing initiatives that use the power of science to solve social issues!
The ‘STI for SDGs’ Award recognizes initiatives that use science, technology, and innovation (STI) to solve social issues. This year's award-winning initiatives will be presented at the Science Agora.
What initiatives have been selected for this year's sixth annual awards? Please come and see for yourself!
Following the awards ceremony, the award winners will introduce their activities and hold a talk session in the open space on the 3rd floor. This is a chance to hear firsthand accounts of the episodes that led up to their successes and behind-the-scenes stories of their activities. It may provide hints on how to solve issues close to your heart and a chance to make new friends. Please look forward to it!