What are the benefits of becoming a tech-savvy woman? Even if you’re not a tech-savvy woman, having a tech-savvy mindset might be useful in a scientific and rational society. Let’s create an environment where girls can choose their future paths with hope and a natural attitude. We should also think together about the unconscious biases that might be around girls in middle and high school. Finding a tech-savvy lifestyle might be important for everyone’s future, regardless of gender.
公立はこだて未来大学 システム情報科学部 教授、博士(学術)
日本科学未来館副館長(2003-2006)、NHK経営委員(2013-2016)、科学技術・学術審議会委員など歴任。代表著作:理系女子的生き方のススメ(岩波書店)、「未来の学び」をデザインする(東京大学出版会)。H26年度 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(理解増進部門)受賞。